FC Balochistan North sets up one day free medical camp in Khost area of Harnai

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Frontier Corps (FC) Balochistan (North) set up one-day free medical camp in Khost area of Harnai district the other day.
According to the reports, over 300 patients were provided free medical treatment facilities in the medical camp.
The patients were included 129 male, 43 female and 131 children of different ages.
The patients approaching the camp were also provided the free diagnostic facilities including of sugar test, blood pressure, malaria and other tests.
Free meal was also served to the patients treated at the medical camp. In addition to this, ration bags were also distributed among the deserving persons there.
Meanwhile, area notables, patients and other local community have hailed the free medical camp and termed it a big relief for them.
They expressed the hope that similar relief initiatives would also remain continued in future.

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