Kakar directs to finalize result of entry test

Independent Reoport

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar has stated that a comprehensive information technology initiative programme has been launched in modern lines for providing opportunities of livelihood and training to the unemployed youth of the province for the first time.
He said that the IT initiative programme would help decrease unemployment and bring improvement in overall economy of the province through online.
The Governor directed the concerned authorities to finalize the result of the entry test of the IT initiative programme within a week.
The Governor was addressing a meeting held to review different aspects of implementation on IT initiative programme and the entry test of the aspirants conducted for it, here on Thursday.
The Principal Secretary to Governor, Hashim Khan Ghilzai as well as representatives of the Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences and Ultra software system were present.
Speaking on the occasion, Governor expressed pleasure that the IT initiative programme has been launched for the first time.
He appreciated the conscious efforts made by all the public sector universities, Ultra Software system and officers of Governor House and Secretariat for materialising the dream of providing opportunities of livelihood to the unemployed but educated youth of the province.
He mentioned that around 10,000 youngsters got them registered for the IT initiative programme from all over the province.
Out of them, some 3,500 hail from Quetta district, he added.
Moreover, the launch of IT initiative is being warmly welcomed at public level, he noted with contentment.
The Governor believed that with completion of the IT initiative programme, the youth of province would benefit from the opportunities of online business besides resolving the issue of unemployment and bringing improvement in overall economy of the province.

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