Illegal promotions of 921 employees posted in various scales of the Capital


By M.Ilyas
Peshswar : Nine hundred and twenty one 921 lower cadre employees of Capital Development Authority have been illegally promoted against the rules and regulations in different periods , due to which additional salaries and benefits given to the illegally promoted employees of the Capital Development Authority, the organization has to bear an additional burden of crores rupees per month.The employees of BPS 9 to 14 scales were illegally promoted to BPS 16 and other higher scales without seniority & approvals of DPC.The Human Resources Department has also declared these promotions as illegal without the approval of the Departmental Selection Committee. A senior highly ranking officer of the authority said on the condition of anonymity that there have been large-scale irregularities in appointments, promotions and transfers.He further revealed that two Naib Qasids Who were attached with Chairman CDA were illegally promoted to the posts of gate supervisors in BPS 11, without seniority or approval of the Departmental Selection Committee.On other side officials waiting for promotion on merit according to the seniority list are facing severe anxiety and mental pressure due to these illegal and political promotions, which are likely to have negative impacts on the performance of the Capital devolpment Authority and similarly many victims.The effected employees have decided to approach the High court & Suprem Court of Pakistan for justice.The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has also received many complaints against these illegal promotions, appointments and financial irregularities, but due to the CDA mafia’s highly political & administrative approach & influence , no action has been taken on these complaints till now.He further disclosed that recently, a nurse named Arifa in Capital Hospital of Capital Development Authority was promoted from BPS 16 to BPS 19 by the Chairman CDA due to the strong political pressure of MNA Qadir Mandokhel Chairman National Assembly Standing Committee for sacked employees , which later on by strong contest & protest the chairman CDA to withdraw the illegal orders of concerned nurse Arifa as in result of strong protests by nurses and other staff associations of the hospital.Further revelations of financial irregularities and illegal promotions and recruitments are expected.

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