Grand tribal Jirga: a welcome initiative

A grand tribal jirga was held under the auspices of interim government of Balochistan at the Chief Minister House Quetta on Wednesday last. While The caretaker Chief Minister Mir Ali Mardan Khan Domki presided over the tribal jirga, the prominent tribal notables from Baloch, Pashtoon and Hazara tribes graced the important occasion, invited to participate in the jirga.
Needless to mention here is that the caretaker provincial ministers Prince Ahmed Ali, Amanullah Kanrani, Mir Jamal Raisani, Jan Achakzai, Mir Zubair Jamali, Dr. Qadir Bakhsh Baloch, Sardar Ejaz Ahmed Khan Jaffar and others were also present in the jirga.
Few senior media persons were also part of the jirga session witnessing its proceedings.
The main objective behind the Jirga was to speak up about the tribal disputes with the aim to resolve them. In addition to this, the “enraged” Balochs who are on the mountains or abroad for any reason were also invited through the tribal Jirga.
At the outset, the tribal Jirga called for resolving all long-standing tribal disputes and invited the “enraged” Balochs to join the national mainstream.
The Jirga unanimously decided to expedite the efforts for establishing sustainable peace in the province.
The Jirga was of the strong view that the solution can be found out to resolve the issues being faced, and invited the angry Baloch leaders to come on the dialogue table.
The Minister Home Mir Zubair Jamali welcomed the tribal elders and highlighted the aims and objectives of the Jirga saying that the tribal Jirgas have been an important part of the national traditions.
He was of the view that we can find solution to the issues together as it has been the same course of our forefathers.
Addressing the participants of Jirga, the caretaker Chief Minister Mir Ali Mardan Domki regretfully pointed out that Balochistan is entangled in the long-standing tribal disputes.
He said that the efforts can be expedited to end the tribal clashes through elders.
The Chief Minister minced no words when he said that we are ready to hold talks with everyone.
However, lenience of the state may not be considered as it’s weakness. What important to mention was the CM’s assertion and request in the Jirga that it would be our humble request to all elders to take personal interest in resolving the burning issues of the tribal disputes.
He invited the angry Balochs present abroad or on mountains through tribal Jirga to join the national mainstream.
The state has always played the role of great mother and kind father and would continue to do so in future.
Addressing the Jirga, the tribal chieftain of Shahwani tribe, Nawab Muhammad Khan Shahwani stressed that it is necessary to restore trust among the government and tribal personalities for establishing sustainable peace in the province.
Another prominent tribal elder Sardar Umar Khan Gorgaij emphasized to ensure promotion of peace for resolving smaller disputes of local level at the local level.
Meanwhile, addressing the Jirga, caretaker Provincial Minister for Youth Affairs and sports, Mir Jamal Khan Raisani said that Pakistan came into being after countless sacrifices, so we have to value it.
Mir Jamal Raisani said that he belongs to the family of martyrs and his family has presented sacrifices of lives for the country.
The former militant Gulzar Imam Shambay said that he waged armed struggle for 15 years and then he reached the conclusion that solution of the issues of Balochistan is possible through political dialogue. He strongly believed that the opportunities of livelihood can be created for the youth mobilizing resources of the province.
He stressed that there is a need to make youth of the province that solution of issues lies in the parliamentary politics.
Mr. Shambay noted that a lot of angry Balochs are in his contact and want to join the national mainstream.
While the tribal Jirga came to and end with the positive note that all notables would play their wholehearted role to resolve the tribal enmities in the province, it is believed so too.

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