food department’s arbitrary and alleged corruption and high prices of flour, the poor people are worried

Umarkot,by Aijaz mughal, food department’s arbitrary and alleged corruption and high prices of flour, the poor people are worried, due to not providing timely quota, the food department and the owners of mills have suffered huge losses, political and social circles have demanded to take notice.
According to the details, Muslim League (N) Sindh Provincial Vice President Abdul Muneem Khan, Numan Amin, Jahanzeb Arain, Abdul Qayyum Waraich and others have said while talking to the media that flour has become expensive due to the arbitrariness and alleged corruption of the officers of the food department, while the mill owners Due to not providing timely quota of wheatThere is a possibility of a crisis of flour in the market and further increase in prices. He said that in the month of November, the mill owners had submitted challans in the bank till November 30 for obtaining the quota of wheat, for which the officials of the food department charged the mill owners 200 rupees per bag. Asked for a bribe, used delaying tactics for not paying the bribeAfter the intervention of the district officers, the wheat quota was released to the mill owners in a hurry on November 30. He is worried that the crisis has arisen and the prices will increasesaid that under the guise of checking the mills, 2000 thousand rupees per mill is allegedly being demanded by the officers of the food department as a bribe, which is completely excessive, there are around 400 flour mills in the district, if two thousand rupees are given per mill, 08 lakhs amount is made, allegedly to be doneAll this corruption will directly affect the prices of flour, because instead of paying the money from their own pockets, the owners of flour mills will collect the money paid from the poor by increasing the prices of flour. Due to the situation, the poor people are forced to starve and commit suicide. Commissioner Mirpurkhas, Senior Officers of Food DepartmentOrangran has demanded the Chief Minister of Sindh to take notice.

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