Would always welcome positive suggestions

Independent Report

GILGIT BALTISTAN: The Chief Minister Gilgit Baltistan, Gulbar Khan has stated that we are well aware of the issues being faced by the people of Gilgit Baltistan, however, we increased the price of wheat because of the economic challenges being faced by the region.
The Chief Minister GB also said that the GB is ours, and there is an elected government of the people.
Gulbar Khan was speaking on occasion of the joint meeting of provincial ministers and Awami Action Committee the other day.
He said that while we are aware of the public problems, still it is their right to make positive criticism on the government.
While defending the decision of increase in the wheat price, the Chief Minister GB said that it was unavoidable because of the economic challenges being faced by the government. It is the responsibility of the government to ensure supply of wheat to the masses, he said adding that we have abolished the quota allocated for different departments. However, the impression of withdrawing subsidy on the wheat price is not correct, he made it clear.
He said that we would always welcome the positive suggestions from the people in view of the economic challenges facing the government besides the ground realities.
He mentioned that we are facing challenges to resolve the economic issues because of the existence of caretaker government in the center. This was the reason that we faced the deficit budget for the current financial year, he noted.
Still the provincial government is taking serious steps to resolve the public issues, still we demand of the federation to allocate share of the Gilgit Baltistan in the National Finance Commission (NFC) award on pattern of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, the Chief Minister stated.
The Chief Minister said that the provincial government has formed Revenue Authority for increase in the resources and revenue of the province. He flayed the criticism on the decision of formation of Revenue Authority and described it unnecessary and unwarranted.
He said that the government makes decision and takes initiatives in the larger interest of the area and its people, and of course, to run the system, and so we are doing.
He believed that Gilgit Baltistan would progress and people would prosper with increase of revenue and its resources.
He said that the increase in revenue and resources is unavoidable like other provinces, so we are making our utmost endeavours in this regard.
Meanwhile, the provincial ministers and members of Awami Action Committee appreciated the initiatives taken and being taken by the GB government under leadership of Chief Minister Gulbar Khan.
They were also agreed upon development of the area with mutual cooperation.
There was also consensus in the meeting on promoting agriculture sector for facing the future challenges.
The Chief Minister on the occasion said that we have to play our positive role for development of Gilgit Baltistan collectively.

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