1,36,000 illegal immigrants repatriated so far:

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Secretary Balochistan, Shakeel Qadir Khan has stated that the safe and honourable expulsion of illegal immigrants is being ensured only after the 31st October’s deadline.
He said that the provincial government and administration are sending the illegal immigrants to their countries in respectable manner, which is unprecedented.
The Chief Secretary was presiding over a high level meeting about the ongoing process of repatriation of the illegal immigrants from the province, here on Wednesday.
Addressing the meeting, Chief Secretary said that the transit camps have been established in different districts for temporary accommodation of the immigrants proceeding to their countries besides taking other necessary measures for their repatriation.
He said that the Afghan immigrants are returning to their country via Chaman, Badini and Brapcha borders on daily basis.
Additional Chief Secretary Home informed that more than 1,36,000 immigrants have so far been repatriated to their homeland from Balochistan.
Speaking on the occasion, Chief Secretary directed to improve the situation at the border crossing points in Chaman, Badini and Brapcha so that these passages may also be used for future trade.
This would have positive impacts on the economy of the country in future besides providing ample opportunities of the livelihood, adding he hoped.
He also mentioned that the federal government has decided to give special package to the laghris (local traders and vendors) in case their livelihood was affected.
Referring the issuance of passports, Chief Secretary directed to accelerate process of preparation of the passports bringing improvement in the passport office working.

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