“I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that” said by Elon Musk.
The primary focus is on the potential hazards arising from the ongoing development of artificial intelligence. One of the major risk is identified by Stephen Hawking saying, “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.” Artificial intelligence is aiming to exceed human intellect; while focusing on the futuristic view it is obvious that it is creating an artificial alien history, new culture and new races while erasing human history, culture, and race. Going back to Elon Musk view, he clearly uses the term “existential threat” and I totally agree with that as AI is causing our present generation partially in existential crisis, not wholly, that they doubt about their intelligence and considering the machine intelligence as more powerful. Also it will subject our future generation to a more existential crisis than our present one causing a threat to their existence because the future world be wholly dependent on AI thus will wholly in existential crisis. Future world will be the world of artificial intelligence, not the world of human intelligence, if active measures aren’t taken in the present world. Let’s take an optimistic outlook of Artificial Intelligence that introduces challenges and existential concerns, Artificial Intelligence’s future holds great promise for advancement and innovations too. Therefore, it is society’s duty to negotiate this environment in order to maximise benefits and mitigate existential risks associated with AI. It’s turning a human history to an alien history and human world to a non human world where everyone will be completely dependent on Artificial intelligence and everything will be decided by artificial intelligence and there will be no room for human intelligence as creativity will be limited to AI only. No human creativity will be introduced in the world because there will be no human created history or innovations. These superintelligent machines will be glorified, ruling all over the world. In the present generation, lesser effects can be seen but in the future, our present AI dependent students will guiding our future students thus the whole world will be the world of AI.
Most of the people says that AI is causing equity and base all the people on the same level giving equal opportunity for learning for all the people especially students, who are totally dependent on chatgpt, are brought to the same level of intelligence by AI. But i totally disagree with that as it entails examining power relations and asking questions about who is in charge and whose viewpoints are given priority. Also these type of questions will be answered by AI as the decisions will be made by an AI in future and that will be biased decisions. It causes biased decisions making problem as stated by Unintended Consequences Theory given by Robert K. Merton as it will receive biased training data, which will reinforce the biases.. It will unfairly favour some data over others, producing unfair results and discriminating outcomes. Thus AI will cause discrimination and equity in future world. Also it will create, technological determinism, a term introduced by Marshall McLuhan; that technology will shape our thoughts in future through the use of language. It gives the concise and precise answers that you don’t have to make an effort to search for a detail thus it makes you effortless and lazy human being without any innovative ideas. Ideas given by previous human beings will be manipulated by AI in a favourable way discriminating their views. It will make our future generations less tolerant as they won’t have much tolerance to make a huge effort or hardwork to do things. It is negating the point of hardwork and effort made by students giving them already created information in a concise way.

It will reshape the societal structure, economic structure and cultural structure. Future generation will adopt the culture introduced by AI tools and economy will be highly effected by superintelligent tools as most of the work will be done by machines in future and it will cause economic disparity. The culture created by AI will be adopted and renewed history created by AI will be learnt.
I am not against the use of AI, I am against it’s overuse , it’s negative use and against the freedom of speech given to robots and AI in future. It’s not necessary to implement deeply what you develop just because you did it.

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