Peshawar Traffic Police Faces Shake-Up as Corrupt Officers Transferred

By M.Ilyas

PESHAWAR- In a bold response to mounting corruption complaints within Traffic Police Peshawar, CCPO Syed Ashfaq Anwar has orchestrated a strategic overhaul, transferring 40 traffic officers who stand accused of amassing illegal assets through nefarious practices. The move comes after these officers, entrenched in their positions for an extended period, faced allegations of corruption. Celebrations reverberated through the ranks of lower staff in Peshawar’s traffic police, as the transfers were confirmed by authoritative orders from Police Line Peshawar. The accused officials, now stripped of their former roles, are slated to assume general duties across various police stations within Peshawar, according to reliable sources. In a proactive measure, an undercover team from an intelligence agency continues to operate within the traffic police, diligently compiling a comprehensive report on officers allegedly involved in corrupt activities. CCPO Peshawar’s resolute initiative has ushered in a sense of relief among the rank and file of the traffic police force. Looking ahead, the spotlight intensifies on the next targets for transfer, including MTO Ghareebullah, driver Nisar (chief traffic officer’s driver), driver Jafar, driver Jahanzeb, and head constable Anwar Ali—an individual noted for his expertise in generating fake bills. Strikingly, all the implicated drivers hail from the same village of Mattani, having amassed significant wealth during their prolonged tenures in the traffic police. CCPO Syed Ashfaq Anwar’s decisive actions underscore a commitment to root out corruption within the ranks, signaling a new era of accountability and transparency in Peshawar’s law enforcement.

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