Sir Syed University organized a 2-day workshop on Outcome Based Education

KARACHI,  –  Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology organized a 2-day workshop on Outcome Based Education (OBE) to include the new International Engineering Alliance (IEA) Graduate Attributes (GAPC V4, 2021). The event was conducted by Ir. Azlan Abdul Aziz of the University of Putra, Malaysia. Registrar Cdre, (R) Syed Sarfraz Ali, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aamir, Prof. Dr. Mir Shabbar Ali, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif, chairpersons, HODs, faculty members, students, and others attended the 2-day workshop.
Giving an important and comprehensive presentation on OBE, Ir. Azlan Abdul Aziz said that Outcome Based Education (OBE) leads to improved learning increased industrial effectiveness and enhanced accountability. The strategy of OBE depends on top-down curriculum design, approaching teaching & learning methods, and appropriate assessment and evaluation methods. The educational model should be aligned with the aspiration of SDGs.
Elaborating further he said that the United Nations has set 17 SDG goals to transform the world and incorporating these SDGs in engineering education will create awareness and the realization among graduates that they are central to addressing social challenges and needs. They can come up with creative solutions. SDGs tend to make graduates responsible citizens of the world.
Vice Chancellor SSUET, Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin, said that lot of universities have acquired tremendous success in the OBE system. Outcome-Based Education is a system where all the aspects of education are focused on the outcomes of the course. The gap between industry requirements and curriculum gave rise to unemployable students. So OBE gives opportunity to students to take up courses with a certain goal of developing skills or gaining knowledge and they have to complete the goal by the end of the course.
Registrar SSUET, Cdre. (R) Engr. Syed Sarfraz Ali SI (M), said that Sir Syed University always endeavored to upgrade its faculty and provided them with all the opportunities and facilities in Pakistan and abroad.
Dean of Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aamir, said that the most important aspect of an outcome is that it should be observable and measurable. OBE is a system of education giving priority to ends, purposes, accomplishments and results.
Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering & Architecture, Prof. Dr. Mir Shabbar Ali, said that the rising need to upgrade the traditional education system paved way for the Outcome Based Education that caters to all aspects of learning.
Dean of Faculty Computing & Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif, said that Outcome-based education aims to create a clear expectation of results that students must achieve including skills, knowledge and attitude.
Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin presented the souvenir to the guest speaker Ir. Azlan Abdul Aziz along with the Registrar and deans and others at the concluding ceremony the next day.
   Abdul Hamid Daccani
  Dy Director Information
Caption:  Group photo shows Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin, Registrar Syed Sarfraz Ali, deans, chairpersons, and others with Ir. Azlan Abdul Aziz.

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