A molestation case with the children in the madressah of Chawkal occurred. Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi reached the house of the affected children in Chakwal.CM Mohsin Naqvi met with the children being subjected to a torture and molestation along with their parents. CM by extending his consolation assured them provision of justice and acquired essential  information about the sorrowful incident. CM remarked that the incident is highly sorrowful and those responsible will not be able to go scot-free according to law. Provision of justice to the affected children will be ensured. The children are our future and it is our responsibility to provide them justice. A stern punishment will be meted out to the accused committing molestation with the children. We will undertake a legal action against the accused involved in committing a heinous and obnoxious crime. It was informed on the occasion that both the accused involved in committing molestation with the students in Chakwal have been apprehended. The accused have been identified with the help of CCTV videos. The accused have been arrested in the light of statements made by the affected children and their parents. Parents of the children made a complaint of committing torture and molestation on the children by two teachers. The statements of affected children were also recorded. The signs of torture were also found on the bodies of few children. Later, CM Mohsin Naqvi while talking with the media stated that we feel a lot of sorrow and ashame due to Chakwal incident. Every madressah is not bad and few people of a madressah have committed an evil and immoral act. Everyone cannot be branded evil due to immoral act committed in a single madressah. Other people of the same madressah cannot be called evil due to few immoral persons of the same madressah. CM assured that will do whatever is possible so as to take the accused to their logical end. IG Police has been assigned a task and Secretary Prosecution will also do his work. We cannot make a law but we will definitely undertake such punitive measures so that such incidents cannot occur in future. Their is a dire need to undertake stringent measures for the prevention of such sorrowful incidents with the children in future. CM directed to take care of the affected children privacy. We honour the de…

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