Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi has said that in view of the smog situation, an important meeting of the Cabinet Committee for Anti-Smog was held today. It was decided that educational institutions, government and private offices will be closed on Saturday. On Saturday the markets will open after 3 pm. CM Mohsin Naqvi while addressing a press conference after the meeting of the Cabinet Committee for Anti-Smog said that Smog Air Filter Ionizer Units will be installed at 12 places in Lahore to reduce smog. It has been decided to establish a high-powered environmental commission to control smog. Experts from Bahauddin Zakaria University Multan and Punjab University have been immediately contacted for artificial rain. A team of Chinese experts to eliminate smog in Beijing has been invited to visit Lahore for consultation. With the support of the Chinese Consul General, research and technology will be used to control smog in consultation with Chinese experts. Another special technical team of the Punjab government will leave for Almaty on Wednesday to reduce smog. In 30 days free registration of Qingqi rickshaws will be done and then a crackdown will be launched against unregistered Qingqi rickshaws. A ban will be imposed on buying fuel bikes at the official level, now only electric bikes will be bought. An environmental lab will be established for the first time in Punjab. Checking of sub-standard fuel has been expedited in all districts including Lahore. The police and the Transport Department have been ordered to launch a crackdown on petrol pumps selling substandard petrol. CM apprised that in Pakistan 10% of crop residue is burnt while India burns 90% of crop residue. In India there is no control on the prevention of residue burning which is leaving an adverse effect on us. Smog is hazardous across the region and is increasing. Farmers will be given modern machinery to destroy crop residues so that we can remain safe from environmental pollution in years to come. The team headed by the Chief Secretary will ascertain modern machinery for the farmers. We will buy modern machinery for the farmers in collaboration with the banks. CM informed that after approval of the cabinet, 12 air filter ionizers will be installed immediately in Lahore. By installing air ionizer, environmental pollution will be reduce and will also improve the quality of air. Air ionizer technology is being used successfully in many countries of the world to improve the environment. A high-powered commission is being set up to deal with environmental challenges. The high-powered Environmental Commission will fight environmental pollution. CM stated that a committee headed by the Chief Secretary has been constituted to made decisions for taking measures for artificial rain. Bahauddin Zakaria University, Punjab University, SUPARCO and other federal institutions are being consulted for artificial rain. Artificial rain will also be arranged in other areas suffering from environmental pollution including Lahore. Experts from Bahauddin Zakaria University and Punjab University have been invited for consultations. After holding consultations with the experts, immediate and necessary steps will be taken for artificial rain. CM apprised that we will set up an environmental lab to improve the environment in Punjab. Chinese experts have also been contacted through the Chinese Consulate to eliminate smog. The smog eradication team in Beijing has been invited to visit Pakistan. A high-level technical team is being sent to Almaty for study. An electric bike policy will also be introduced in Punjab very soon. Fuel quality will be checked at every petrol pump in the smog-affected areas. Police crackdown on smoke emitting vehicles is ongoing. So far, the police issued 4 lakh 19 thousand challans and impounded 80 thousand smoke emitting vehicles. The Environment Department has sealed 3495 industrial units, registered more than 2 thousand FIRs and fined Rs 22 crore. The police in the anti-smog campaign has imposed a fine of Rs 21 crore and the transport department has imposed a fine of Rs 4 crore. Police, Transport Department, Environment, district administration and other relevant institutions will continue their anti-smog crackdown. Free registration of Qingqi Rickshaw will be done for 30 days across Punjab, special counters will also be established. After one month, unregistered Qungqi rickshaws will not be allowed to ply on the roads. Qingqi Rickshaw neither has any fitness certificate nor is checked in any way. More than 95% Qingqi rickshaws are running without registration across Punjab. after approval from the cabinet, free registration will take place and strict crackdown will be launched. LWMC and PHA is spraying water on 400 km of roads daily in Lahore. All possible efforts are being made to eliminate smog. No one livelihood should be affected in any manner and the business community should cooperate for the elimination of smog. The smog may increase due to direction of the wind and there is no chance of rain. Everyone should try to eliminate smog and people should also play their due role in this regard.

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