Good to see major political party starting political election drive from Balochistan: Jam Kamal

Independent Report

QUETTA: The former Chief Minister Balochistan, Jam Kamal Khan has stated that it is good to see that the major political party of the country is going to start its political and election campaign from Balochistan.
Jam Kamal Khan stated so while speaking to media persons at a local hotel on Tuesday.
Jam Kamal reached the hotel to meet the central leader of PML-N Nawaz Sharif.
He said that it is a good start regarding Balochistan today when Nawaz Sharif arrived in Quetta.
He said that he had contact with different political parties, however, he is going to join the PML-N.
Jam Kamal Khan said that the credit of making N-League effective in Balochistan goes to Sheikh Jaffar Khan Mandokhail.
He hoped that the things would be improved regarding province in time to come.

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