Former President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari arrived at Gohar Palace in Ghotki area

Mirpur Mathelo
(Tanveer Ahmed Soomro/Correspondent)
Former President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari arrived at Gohar Palace in Ghotki area of ​​Khangarh. Reception was given by former MPA Ali Gohar Mahar. Opponents come and stand in the election, we will welcome them. Muslims are being oppressed in Palestine and we cannot do anything. Asif Zardari’s address to the rally,
According to the details, former President Asif Zardari while addressing the workers at Gohar Palace in Tehsil Khangarh of Ghotki district said that we did not remove the chairman PTI because we needed the government or we needed powers. He said that we removed PTI chairman not to get power but to save the country. He said that there are many problems going on in the world at the moment. He is the first politician who spoke about Palestine and the oppression of Muslims in Palestine. It is happening but unfortunately we are not doing anything. Asif Zardari said that we have always worked for the people and the poor. Our thinking is that we can do everything, we can earn you billions of dollars from the sea. He said that he has done everything by thinking practically before and even today. Our politics is ours, your politics is ours, our philosophy is ours, your philosophy is ours. The servant of the people is buried here. Our politics is the politics of the people. PPP believes in human service and only by serving humanity we will get heaven. Whether our prayers, fasts are accepted or not, but helping the poor will be accepted by Allah. The former president said that we know what is happening with the Muslims on the other side of the border, we have to follow our political traditions, we said on the martyrdom of Bibi that Pakistan is lost, we have to think about our next generation, considering the needs of the time. Asif Zardari further said that Pakistan is currently becoming economically weak. will stay On this occasion, Khurshid Shah, Syed Qaim Ali Shah, Agha siraj Durrani, Nisar Ahmad Khouro, former Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah, Sharjeel Memon, former MNA Khalid Ahmad Lond, Saeed Ghani, Mukesh Chawla and Abdul Bari Patafi also arrived to Asif Ali Zardari. were present at

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