Seven doctors & medical staff shifted to Karachi

Independent Report

QUETTA: A young doctor died of Congo virus in a private hospital of Karachi on Sunday morning.
The spokesman of Health Department, Dr. Waseem Baig confirmed that Dr. Shakrullah was shifted to Karachi by air ambulance for treatment of the Congo virus from Quetta on Saturday.
Besides him, seven others including four doctors, two paramedics and a staff nurse contracted the virus were also shifted to Karachi in view of their serious condition.
All of them were admitted in Agha Khan Hospital for the advance treatment. However, Dr. Shakrullah succumbed to serious condition and died on Sunday morning, Dr. Waseem Baig informed.
Dr. Shakurrlah and seven others had contracted the Congo virus while performing medical duty in the Sandeman Provincial Headquarter Hospital Quetta.
An emergency has already been declared after prevalence of the Congo virus. An Isolation ward was also established in the Sandeman Provincial Hospital.
In addition to this, the emergency ward comprising 32-beds has also been established in the Sheikh Zayed Hospital besides the Fatima Jinnah Hospital.

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