Isolation ward set up for Congo virus patients in Sandeman Hospital

Independent Report

QUETTA: An isolation ward has been established for the Congo virus patients in the Sandeman provincial headquarter hospital here.
The isolation ward has been set up in view of the increasing number of patients and after some medical staff including doctors got infected from the virus.
According to the spokesman of Sandeman Hospital, the Secretary Health Abdullah Khan is personally supervising the situation of Congo virus and treatment facilities for the patients.
He has directed the concerned authorities to ensure implementation on the SOPs for prevention of the Congo virus.
He informed that the hospital has been included in the safety framework for prevention of the infectious diseases.
He also claimed to prepare a strategy for prevention of the Congo virus.
The Secretary Health said that the serious patients of the Congo virus including doctors and other medical staff are being shifted to Karachi by air ambulances.
It may be mentioned here that some doctors and paramedics had been infected from the Congo virus and other infections the other day. As a result, their condition was deteriorated and admitted in the hospital.
Meanwhile, the unnecessary movement of doctors and other staff of the Sandeman provincial hospital has been banned in the Trauma center adjacent to the Sandeman hospital.
According to an official notice, the entry of the attendants of patients has also been banned in the trauma center.

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