Lok Virsa is holding a 10-day Folk Festival “Lok Mela” from 3 to 12 November 2023 at Islamabad under the aegis of National Heritage and Culture Division.


The formal opening of the festival was held on 3rd November at 5.30 pm at Lok Virsa open air theatre. Federal Minister for National Heritage & Culture Syed Jamal Shah was the chief guest on the occasion. The ceremony started with the recitation of excerpt from Holy Quran. National anthems of Pakistan and Palestine were also played on the occasion.


Executive Director Lok Virsa Mr. Uzair Khan while giving his welcoming speech thanked the minister, secretary, diplomats, high level officials and distinguished guests who attended the inaugural ceremony. He apprised the audience about the salient features of Lok Mela. ED Lok Virsa said that the festival not only showcases living cultural heritage of Pakistan but it also aims to revive endangered folk traditions like arts and crafts and musical forms. The Mela helps to keep all the units of the federation actually connected with each other. This mela also provides an opportunity for skilled master craftsmen and women from across the country to showcase their art at national level and to sell their products directly to public without intervention of commission agent.


Federal Secretary for National Heritage & Culture Division Ms. Humaira Ahmed said that this is her first occasion to attend such a colourful event being head of National Heritage & Culture Division. She said “I am delighted to see that there are such institutes like Lok Virsa which are carrying out its duty professionally and introducing Pakistan bright images to the world.


As per tradition of Lok Mela, a Dastarbandi/Chaddarposhi ceremony is held each year in which established craftsperson and eminent folk artist/musician is honoured by placing a turban or a chaddar on his head/her shoulder. It is a symbol of Lok Virsa’s commitment to keep the heritage of Pakistan alive and continuing and a way of showing that the folk practitioners have importance in national life and they have made a great contribution towards our culture.


This year Ms. Siyani Khatoon, a master artisan of Khes/Lungi weaving from Sindh and Fazal Jutt, folk artist from Punjab was honoured. The chief guest placed a shawl on the shoulder of Siyani Khatoon and put a turban on the head of Fazal Jutt.

While addressing the chief guest informed that the main focus of this festival is to express solidarity with Palestinian people, who are suffering at the hand of Israel. He informed that a special stall is being set up during the festival showcasing Palestinian photographs and a donation box. He requested that everyone should support Palestine by way of donations.

During the ceremony, folk singers from all provinces and regions of Pakistan gave electrifying performances. A special performance from Ms. Saira Peter, opera singer was also a part of the event who specially came from UK for Lok Mela.

The festivities of Lok Mela will continue till 12th November, 2023.

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