Jan Achakzai thrashes negative propaganda about expulsion of illegal immigrants

Independent Report

QUETTA: The caretaker Provincial Minister for Information, Jan Achakzai has stated that the interim government is ensuring expulsion of illegal immigrants from Balochistan respectfully and taking care of their self-respect and dignity.
He flayed the negative propaganda being made by certain elements about the repatriation of illegal immigrants. He said that certain elements are making false propaganda about maltreatment with the immigrants repatriating to their homeland, which is unfair and baseless.
Those spreading negative propaganda about the ill-treatment with the illegal immigrants are working against the state’s interest as the foreign elements are behind it, he alleged while speaking to the media persons at the holding camp established for illegal immigrants in Haji camp, western bypass on Thursday morning.
Also present on the occasion was Deputy Commissioner Quetta, Saad bin Asad.
The caretaker Minister Information said that we are endavouring to create such an environment that the illegal immigrants may repatriate to their homeland voluntarily.
He said that it is our utmost endeavour not to create or let create such an environment that may harm the self-respect and dignity of the illegal immigrants.
However, it is firm policy of the state to repatriate all the undocumented and unregistered refugees to their respective countries, he mentioned adding that around 10,000 immigrants were carried to the Chaman border for repatriation.
He said that the repatriation of illegal immigrants is a big challenge for the province, however, we are doing our best to meet it accordingly.
He said that while the illegal immigrants are being deported to their homeland respectably from Balochistan, the immigrants are also being brought from Sindh and Punjab for repatriation via province.
He informed that over 37,000 immigrants have been deported to Afghanistan via Chaman border during last around three weeks.
He said that we are also in contact with the Afghan authorities over the issue of repatriation of illegal immigrants.
About detention of illegal immigrants from Quetta, Jan Achakzai said that a total of 572 illegal immigrants were detained from the provincial capital.
Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner Quetta Saad bin Asad shared details of the detention and repatriation of the illegal immigrants from Quetta district.
The Minister Information along with Deputy Commissioner visited different parts of the Haji camp holding center for illegal immigrants, and inspected the services being extended to them.
He said that it is our endeavour to keep minimum number of immigrants at the holding centers, and as such deport them in due course after detention.

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