Lahore, : Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi while addressing the Vice Chancellors,Principals and MS conference in a local hotel today said that Vice Chancellors, Principals and Ms are an important part of the Punjab government.The plight of primary health hospitals is much better and we will have to work a great deal for the improvement of specialised healthcare hospitals.No work has been done on the improvement of specialised healthcare hospitals for the last many years.If a human being does not repair his house then condition of the house gets dilapidated and same is the example of hospitals.CM Mohsin Naqvi stated that he has come to know during nine months period that if the people are provided relief then they remain satisfied.the people can be kept satisfied by controlling education,health and prices.If education,health and prices are kept under control then the people appreciate the government.Doctors, Professors,Principals and Vice Chancellors directly affect on the masses through their services.I came to know after visiting the hospitals that doctors are not responsible for the pathetic conditions of the hospitals.If the government does not provide new beds in the hospitals then the doctors will be forced to provide treatment on the worn out beds.If the government fails to provide ventilators and machinery in an adequate quantity then the doctors will not be able to satisfactorily treat their patients. If the hospitals are not upgraded for 20 consecutive years then they will have the same dilapidated conditions presently.It is highly essential to maintain better quality of hospitals.It is our endeavour to make such a mock room across all the hospitals of Punjab as is made in Mayo hospital.CM informed that upgradation of 32 hospitals of specialised healthcare is being carried out. We have to leave after completing our tenureDoctors, Professors and Principals will keep on serving the people by staying on their respective posts.You should inform us about which equipment and machinery along with facilities are needed in the hospitals.20 thousands new beds will be provided and basic probl;ems of the hospitals will be resolved.Vice Chancellors, Principals and MS will have to get completed the upgradation work of the hospitals as they get completed construction of their houses seriously.CM said that deadline of the upgradation of hospitals is January 31st. Rupees 26 billions are required for the upgradation of hospitals.We will provide even if rupees 50 billions are required. If the amount on the upgradation of hospitals is spent in a fair and transparent manner and only then the people will be benefited. We will act upon the recommendations of Vice Chancellors, Principals and Ms for the upgradation of hospitals. Vice Chancellors, Principals and Ms will have to take ownership of the hospitals.Upgradation of hospitals is being done for the facilitation of people.Vice Chancellors, Ms and Principals should make an effort that the people should face least difficulty due to upgradation of hospitals.Vice Chancellors, Principals and MS by working hard during 3-4 months of upgradation work can provide relief to the people. Mohsin Naqvi said that Pakistan Army Administrators are very competent. We have very competent professors, doctors and principals but we lack good administrators. 50 percent work of Vice Chancellors, principals and MS is of doctors and the remaining 50 percent is of administrators. We are formulating a plan with regard to arrange administrative training to professors, doctors and principals. When I launched a news channel then I also faced administration problems as I had no training. I used to do the work of journalists but remained unaware of financial matters for which I had to face a lot of difficulty. 40 thousand patients are given treatment on 31 thousand beds. The media gives a wrong impression about hospitals with regard to providing treatment to 5 patients on a single bed. The hospitals can not send back the patients due to shortage of beds. I give credit to the doctors for treating 5 children on a single bed and they are treating the children beyond their capacity. I am thankful to the doctors that they do not send the patients back on exceeding the limit in the hospitals. They are treating the patients by confining within their limited resources. No law binds a doctor to treat 5 patients on a single bed. The government is responsible for this lapse of not increasing the number of beds in the hospitals. CM said that this impression is wrong that a patient died due to negligence of the doctor. Doctors try to save lives and do not end anyone’s life. The doctors make 99 percent effort to save the life of a patient. 6 highly intensive care patients are treated by a single doctor and this is not the fault of a doctor but the government is responsible for committing this fault. We will have to provide resources and facilities to the hospital. We will provide all possible facilities and resources in the hospitals. Private rooms should be established in the hospitals. The prices of medicines available in the hospitals have increased. We will enhance the budget after making estimation of medicines available in the hospitals. Professors, doctors and principals should get the upgradation work completed under their supervision. If people are provided relief then they give a lot of prayers. CM was presented proposals by the Vice Chancellors, principals and MS for the improvement of the hospitals. CM noted down all the proposals and assured implementation on the implementable proposals. Provincial Minister for Specialised Health Care & Medical Education Doctor Javed Akram and Secretary Health also addressed the ceremony. Provincial Minister for Information Amir Mir, Vice Chancellors of all government and medical universities, Principals of colleges and MS of big hospitals participated in the ceremony.

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