Real Worth of India exposed

▪️India has faced yet another embarrassment at international arena. court of Qatar has awarded death penalty to 8 former Indian Naval Officers in espionage cases. Recently relations between Canada and India also deteriorated due to involvement of RAW in murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar.
▪️These developments are a clear indication of India’s diminished strategic importance globally.
▪️Stern actions taken by Qatar and Canada prove India’s lost relevance both in Eastern and Western blocks. It is clear that such decisions are only taken after strategic calculations in cold logic. Hence both Western and Middle Eastern countries have concluded that India is not even a middle weight country rather an evil which needs to be straightened.
▪️It’s a stark reminder that notion of self-entitlement based on Brahmin ideology with which BJP has befooled its nation doesn’t hold up in the real world.
▪️ Both these incidents are a slap on the face of so called “Shining India”, exposing her self acclaimed false strategic value on international stage.

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