Pak Navy, Customs foil bid of narcotics smuggling via Gwadar coast

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Pakistan Navy and Customs jointly foiled major bid of smuggling of narcotics through the coast of Gwadar on Thursday.
According to the official sources, the raid was conducted at the west coast of Gwadar during which a total of 300 kilogram of charas was recovered.
The charas was dumbed near the coast with the design to smuggle the same to abroad through Gwadar sea, the sources informed.
The charas, later, was handed over to the Customs officials at Directorate of Customs in Gwadar for further legal formalities and action.
The sources said that value of the seized narcotics is stated to be US$ 3.5 million in the international drug market.
No arrest, however, has been reported in the operation.

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