Positive Economic Development in past few months due to change in economic policies.

Recent changes in economic policies have resulted in positive economic developments, as revealed by key insights gleaned from the provided data.

. Increasing Foreign Exchange Reserves : The foreign exchange reserves increased by $67 million per week, reaching $7.7 billion in total. In September, this was accompanied by a substantial influx of funds through the Roshan Digital Account (RDA), which exceeded $6.75 billion.

Investing Inflows : Significant Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) and Chinese investments, comprising $72.7 million in September 2023 and $126.3 million in the first three months of fiscal year 2023-24, were attracted to the economy.

Surge in Bank Deposits : Despite negative campaigns, total bank deposits increased by 15.33% year-over-year in September 2023, reaching Rs26.32 trillion compared to Rs22.82 trillion the previous year.

The CPI-based inflation rate is anticipated to decline from 31.4% in September to 26.4% in October, indicating progress in inflation management.

. Project Carbon Trading : A recent Carbon Trading (CT) initiative in Sindh’s coastal belt generated $40 million in revenue. This initiative also resulted in the creation of 21,000 positions and had a positive impact on the employment and economic security of 49,000 people.

This analysis reveals a positive trend in the economic landscape, including an increase in foreign exchange reserves, investments, and decrease in inflation. In addition, innovative projects such as the Carbon Trading initiative contribute to the creation of jobs and the improvement of socioeconomic conditions. These recent developments indicate an optimistic economic outlook for the coming months.

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