Shania Khan promises to expand circle of services under BAEF further

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Advisor to caretaker Chief Minister Balochistan for Social Welfare, Ms. Shania Khan has promised that the circle of healthcare services and medical treatment would be expanded further under the Balochistan Awami Endowment Fund (BAEF).
In addition to this, the system of provision of quality medical treatment facilities would also be improved further.
This was stated by the Advisor to caretaker CM during her visit to the Agha Khan Hospital (AKH) and Liaquat National Hospital (LNH) Karachi the other day.
She was accompanied by the Secretary Social Welfare, Syed Sikandar Shah and Director General, Tariq Javed Mengal and other concerned high ups.
During the visit, Ms. Shania Khan met the patients being treated under BAEF at the two major hospitals of Karachi.
Meanwhile, she also met the administration of both the hospitals and discussed with them the medical services being provided to the patients there.
At the outset, she expressed satisfaction over the medical services being provided to the patients under BAEF, however, adding she talked with the management of the hospitals for brining more improvement in the facilities.
Earlier, Ms. Shania also inquired about the medical treatment from the patients in the Karachi hospitals.

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