Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi visited Akbar Chowk flyovers project today. One side of the flyover bridge has been completed. CM Mohsin Naqvi inspected the newly constructed flyover. Mohsin Naqvi went to the bridge of flyover by himself driving the vehicle. Mohsin Naqvi inspected the construction work of the whole project from the bridge being constructed. CM directed to complete early construction and restoration of college road as well. Mohsin Naqvi directed to complete asphalt work on the bridge at the earliest adding that the other side of the flyover should also be completed as soon as possible. Mohsin Naqvi further stated that the flyovers will be opened for traffic by the mid of November. Commissioner Lahore/DG LDA gave a briefing about progress being made on the project. The contractor apprised about construction activities and completion of the project. Later, CM while talking with the media after visiting Akbar Chowk flyovers project said that not only Nawaz Sharif but others are also provided security. All the leaders are provided security according to Police SOPs. Security and chambers were also provided at the Zaman Park. PTI Chairman was also provided equal security. Teachers have been released across Punjab. No one will be allowed to close educational institutions. To include students in the protests is inappropriate and wrong. It is not at all appropriate to close down schools in Punjab and bring forward the children. Talking about privatization of schools is baseless. Talking about 50,000 fees is utterly wrong. I promised to give something good to the journalists. Not only myself but ministers and chief secretary are also conducting visits. It is my foremost priority to ensure well-being of the people. We will ensure timely completion of the development projects. The construction and repair work of 100 hospitals across Punjab will be completed by 31st January. Essential measures are being taken for the uplift and improvement of 750 police stations. Special attention is being paid on the development projects. Steps are being taken for the provision of facilities to the masses. Work on various sections of General Hospital building is ongoing. The whole team of LDA is working on the Ravi bridge. Provincial Minister for Information Amir Mir, Secretary C&W, Deputy Commissioner, Chief Engineer LDA and concerned officials were also present on the occasion.

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