16 more arrested as crackdown against illegal immigrants continues in metropolis

Independent Report

QUETTA: As many as 16 more illegal immigrants were arrested as crackdown against them remained continued in the provincial metropolis on Sunday.
The police sources informed that the arrests of undocumented immigrants-all Afghan nationals-were made from different localities in the metropolis.
The sources informed that the cases were registered against the arrested immigrants under the Foreign Act.
In all 52 cases have been registered against the illegal immigrants so far, the sources informed.
According to a senior police official, over 270 illegal immigrants have been arrested so far.
Those arrested were deported to their country, the police official informed.
Needless to mention here is that the crackdown is continued by the police and local administration against the undocumented immigrants on directives of the provincial government in light of the state’s policy to repatriate all the illegal ones till October 31, 2023.

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