Sardar Akhtar Mengal leads BNP long march from Wadh to Quetta

Independent Report

QUETTA: The President of Balochistan National Party (BNP), Sardar Akhtar Jan Mengal led the long march from his native area Wadh to Quetta on Sunday.
The long march consisting of a number of vehicles led by Sardar Akhtar Mengal started from Wadh in the morning and reached Quetta in the late evening.
The leaders and members of central committee of the party and a large number of its workers were part of the long march.
The long march passed through the national highway and had brief stop overs in different areas including Khuzdar, Sorab, Kalat, Khaliqabad, Mangochar and Mastung before reaching Quetta.
The local leaders and workers of the party warmly welcomed the participants of long march.
They also joined the long march as it reached in their areas.
After reaching in Quetta, the long march of BNP turned into a grand public meeting at the Ayub Stadium.
The participants of long march were carrying the party flags and the banners inscribed with the slogans against the deteriorated situation of Wadh and other issues.
They alleged that the long march is against the political victimization of the party besides anti-Sardar Akhtar Mengal policies of the government.

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