Karachi –  :  Mayor Karachi Barrister Murtaza Wahab has said that the establishment of this state-of-the-art testing facility clearly depicts our government commitment to safeguarding the health and well-being of our citizens. This he said as a chief guest while inaugurating Sindh Food Authority Food Testing Lab at Food Science and Technology Department, Karachi University here on Monday. He added, ‘It is a sincere and efficient collaboration between the Department of Food Science and Technology and Sindh Food Authority. This partnership has achieved a significant milestone through collective efforts towards the goal for ensuring the highest standards of food safety and quality within the city of Karachi’. Mayor Karachi Barrister Murtaza Wahab said that no doubt  food plays an integral and vital role in the daily lives of our people, it is imperative that we maintain rigorous control over the quality and safety of what we consume. Food Testing Labs serve as a bastion of assurance, providing a platform for precise analysis and scrutiny of food products, and thereby fortifying our citizens’ trust in the safety of their meals.

Speaking on the occasion Director Sindh Food Authority Agha Fakhar Hussain, while thanking the guests, said that together,  Sindh Food Authority and Food Sciences and Technology Department in collaboration with other stakeholders have pooled their resources, knowledge, and expertise to establish a facility that adheres to international standards, utilizing cutting-edge technology and methodologies. He thanked the teams who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to turn this vision into a reality. Their dedication is commendable and stands as a testament to the potential that can be unlocked when institutions, departments and organizations sincerely unite towards a common goal. Agha Fakhar Hussain said that as we inaugurated this Food Testing Lab; let us also acknowledge the responsibility that comes with it. It is our duty to ensure that this facility operates with utmost integrity, conducting tests with precision and impartiality. Ou

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