Mercy Pak Educational Complex for orphans organizes annual prize

The annual prize distribution ceremony was organized at the Mercy Pak
Educational Complex for orphans and destitute children , Nasirpur,
Peshawar, to reward students who had excelled in both curricular and
co-curricular activities. Professor Dr. Hafeez ur Rahman, the Dean of
Peshawar Medical College, graced the occasion as the chief guest. Prof.
Dr. Najibul Haq, Advisor to the Prime Foundation on Education and
Health, Director of MEC, Dr. Faqir Muhammad Anwar, philanthropists,
academicians, staff, and students were also in attendance.
During the ceremony, students demonstrated their talents through
tableaus, speeches, the recitation of Iqbal’s poetry, and Nasheed
performances, earning praise and applause from the audience. The chief
guest, Prof. Dr. Hafeez ur Rehman, commended the institution’s services
and its commitment to providing education and training. He also paid
tribute to the selfless individuals who contributed to the institution’s
management and maintenance.
The chief guest emphasized the significance of sponsoring orphans,
citing a hadith that associates such sponsorship with companionship with
the Prophet and the promise of attaining Paradise. He underscored the
concept of ongoing charity and stressed the importance of participating
in the education and training of destitute children, referencing another
hadith that promises rewards in the hereafter.
Furthermore, the chief guest praised the institution for its dedication
to education, training, and character development. He acknowledged the
ongoing efforts of administrators and philanthropists to improve the
institution. He encouraged students to prioritize moral development
alongside their education, emphasizing that education loses its meaning
without good character. He urged students to embrace virtues such as
truth, honesty, and commitment.
The special guest also expressed his appreciation for the teaching
staff, highlighting their valuable contributions to the education and
character development of the students and emphasizing the importance of
performing their duties for the sake of Allah.
Dr. Faqir Muhammad Anwar, the Director of MEC, highlighted the
achievements of the institution, noting that its graduates have achieved
high-ranking positions in various organizations. Arshad Masood, the
principal of Mercy School, informed the audience that the institution
provides standard free education, accommodation, and medical care to the
students. He also mentioned that learning one occupational trade was
compulsory for every student. Additionally, the principal shared that
the institution achieved an exceptional success ratio, boasting a 100
percent pass rate in the recent matriculation exams. The distinction
holders were given away prizes with cash on the accession.

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