GOB Update on Expulsion of Illegal Immigrants by Jan Achakzai, Information Minister

1. The Government of Balochistan (GOB) conducted an extensive meeting aimed at enhancing coordination among various agencies involved in implementing the action points of the National Action Plan, as directed by the Apex Committee.

2. The meeting focused on reviewing progress towards meeting the national deadline and emphasized the repatriation of illegal immigrants. These individuals, who have entered the country unlawfully, will be detained under the Foreign Act and subsequently deported.

3. Furthermore, the meeting addressed the need for a unified document regime at the border. It is important to note that this campaign is directed against illegal aliens and not targeted at any specific nation.

3. With only 24 days remaining, we have a limited timeframe for the voluntary repatriation of all non-documented immigrants. This deadline presents a crucial opportunity for individuals to comply with the necessary procedures and ensure a smooth transition.

In conclusion, the GOB is committed to effectively addressing the issue of illegal immigration in Balochistan. By fostering seamless coordination among relevant agencies and providing a clear deadline for voluntary repatriation, we aim to ensure the successful implementation of the National Action Plan.

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