Sindh’s largest ancient livestock experiment station

Umer kot,by AIjaz Mughal/Sindh’s largest ancient livestock experiment station, Nabi Sar Road (Thri Cattle Farm) has reached the brink of destruction due to neglect, the breeding of high-breed Thri cows is affected, grass for cattle fodder, expensive. Disclosure of sale of livestock, animal medicine and soil irrigation water;Many buildings, including the residential quarters of the employees, have been reduced to rubble and Cattle Farm is showing ruins.
According to the details, Sindh’s largest Livestock Experiment Station (Thri Cattle Farm) established under British rule near Nabi Sar Road under the administration of Sindh Government has reached the verge of destruction due to inattention, mismanagement and political interference of Sindh Government and officials. Ancient Livestock Experiment Station(Thri Cattle Farm) was established for the purpose of saving the breed of thri cows by breeding domestically and internationally famous three cows and increasing milk and meat production by increasing the breed. And because of political interference, it is officialThe ancient Livestock Experiment Station (Three Cattle Farm) is currently telling the story of destruction and devastation. Several cattle sheds, staff quarters and other important buildings in the Government Livestock Experiment Station have collapsed and turned into piles of rubble due to which livestock Experiment Station RuinsThe work is going on while other important valuable machinery including tractors have been erected with the help of bricks, there is no water for cultivating grass and no grass for grazing animals due to which the remaining cows and sheep in the Livestock Experiment Station have become weak due to lack of food and hunger and their Breeding is also intenseAmazingly, despite having an annual budget of crores of rupees, this government livestock experimental station (Three Cattle Farm) is facing destruction and rich agricultural lands are becoming barren, while other private cattle farms in the area are at the peak of development and agricultural lands are settled, three different parts. Shahli Wah, Ranawah and Rajari PatThe total agricultural land of this Livestock Experiment Station (Three Cattle Farm) is 4 thousand 270 acres 7 hours, for irrigation, there are 9 watercourses on three different canals, Sanuri branch, Rahmore branch and Kanri minor branch of Nabi Sarki sub-division. AvailabilityDespite this, it has been closed for a long time based on unknown reasons due to which Livestock Experiment Station (Three Cattle Farm) of Ranawa section is barren and the residents and cattle are waiting for a drop of water for drinking, while it is known from the sources that by the corrupt staff. Official Livestock ExperimentalThe high breed healthy three cows in the station (Three Cattle Farm) along with their calves, bulls, hundreds of maunds of hay and large quantities of official valuable animal medicines are sold to other private cattle farm owners and markets, and by exploiting government agricultural lands. Water provided to different residents of the areaIt has also been revealed to sell, Superintendent of Livestock Experimental Station (Three Cattle Farm) Dr. Noordin Memon said that the above three water courses of Ranawah section were closed in 1995 by the Irrigation Department Sub-Division Nabi Sarki. Government agricultural landOut of which 485 acres of land was given for the Tharkol project, the remaining 01,484 acres of agricultural land is uninhabitable due to non-availability of water. TheyHe said that when he took charge, the affairs of the Three Cattle Farm were extremely chaotic, which are being rectified. At that time, there are a total of 217 cows, their calves and bulls in the Three Cattle Farm, for the maintenance of which the Sindh government is paying 50 lakh rupees per year in addition to the salaries. The budget is provided that now this inflationHe said that only 5% of the total agricultural land of more than 4,000 acres of Livestock Experimental Station (Three Cattle Farm) is inhabited, on which grass is grown for cattle, due to the situation Livestock Experimental Station ( (Three Cattle Farm) Hundreds of Haris (Farmers) of Ranawah Section starvedThey are protesting against the hunger and poverty and against the closure of water for drinking and agricultural water.

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