Radio Pakistan Turned Down the President’s orders.

By M.Ilyas

Peshawar : Despite the clear instructions of the President of Pakistan, Mr. Arif Alvi, the management of Radio Pakistan is reluctant to give the commutation amount to the pensioner’s. Radio Pakistan has not paid the gratuity amount to the employees who retired after 1st January two thousand twenty (2020). First  Federal Ombudsman  and later the President of Pakistan gave instructions to Radio Pakistan to pay the dues to the employees as soon as possible, but the Director General of Radio Pakistan is refusing to pay this amount using various pretext so. The employees say that they have to deal with the marriage of children and other similar issues, but the organization is not paying them their money’s. On the other hands, the Director General of Radio Pakistan is doing things that have nothing to do with the development of the organization.

Meanwhile, during these three and a half year’s, many retired employees have lost their lives while waiting for commutation. The employees say that the commutation, besides, they have not been given recent increase in pensioner’s. Similarly, the regular employees of the institution are also suffering from various problem’s. The employees have appealed to the President of Pakistan and the Federal Ombudsman to make their decisions implemented by the management of Radio Pakistan and to monitor it by an organization like NAB.

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