Mirpur Mathelo

(Reported by Tanveer Ahmed Soomro) Deputy Commissioner Ghotki visited various Union Councils of Ubauro to review the polio campaign, reviewed the process of administering drops to children, instructions to provide facilities to the polio teams, according to the details, the Deputy Commissioner Ghotki Agha Sher Zaman along with N-Stop Officer Dr. Waqar Dahar visited the permanent point established at Kamoo Shaheed along with various union councils of Deharki and Obavoro to review the polio campaign and reviewed the work of the polio teams. On this occasion, he directed the polio teams and said that finger marking should be ensured after giving the drops to every child, there will be no room for any kind of negligence in this regard because it is a question of the future of generations, therefore all the workers Play your role truthfully and honestly, which is your national duty. He said that it is the duty of every conscious person to make the campaign successful, so we all should play our role in the fight against polio virus so that the dangerous virus can be completely eradicated. On this occasion, he instructed the UC in-charges to provide facilities to the polio teams so that they do not face any difficulties in the field while giving special attention to the nomadic children.

Mirpur Mathelo (Reported by Tanveer Ahmed Soomro) In connection with the reception of Pakistan Muslim League (N) chief Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, a meeting was held on behalf of Muslim League (N) district Ghotki under the leadership of former MNA Dr. Darshan Lal on October 21. A convoy of hundreds of vehicles will depart from District Ghotki in connection with the reception of the leader of the Muslim League-N on October 21. In connection with the historic reception, a meeting was held yesterday on behalf of Muslim League, N, District Ghotki under the leadership of former MNA Dr. Darshan Lal, in which provincial leaders Dr. Abdul Rahim Korai, Qaiser Nizamani, Mian Abdul Rahim, Chaudhary Habibullah, Mian Rehmatullah ,Syed Rajib ur Rehman Shah and other officials participated in large numbers. On this occasion, it was unanimously decided in the meeting that the leader of Muslim League (N) Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif will be given a historic reception on the occasion of his return home. A convoy of hundreds of vehicles will depart from Ghotki under the leadership of Dr. Darshan Lal, while talking to the media on the occasion of the meeting, former MNA Dr. Darshan Lal said that in the current situation of the country, only our leader Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Only they can take the country out of crises and lead it on the path of development. Now the people are fed up with the selected rulers, due to which they want to see Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, the leader of other Muslim countries including the Pakistani nation, as the Prime Minister. The day is not far, Muslim League (N) will win with a large majority in the Jeb General Election and Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif will become the Prime Minister of the country.

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