Jan Achakzai vows to take revenge of every martyr of Mastung carnage

Independent Report

QUETTA: The caretaker Provincial Minister for Information, Jan Achakzai has categorically reiterated the government’s pledge to take revenge of every martyr of the Mastung carnage.
He said that those involved in the planning, facilitation and masterminds of the Mastung suicide blast would not be spared anyway and as such they would be taken to task.
“We would go behind all those involved in the Mastung carnage including the masterminds, and would bring them to justice”, asserted the caretaker Minister Information while addressing a crowded press conference at the Sikandar Jamali Auditorium, Civil secretariat on Sunday afternoon.
Jan Achakzai said that the security plan is being revisited by removing the shortcomings.
He said that it is resolve of the state to go to any extreme for elimination of the terrorism.
He asserted that we would carry out intelligence base operation in every nook and corner to apprehend and eliminate terrorists.
Referring the recent visit of Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Syed Asim Munir to the province, the caretaker Minister said that we welcome the resolve of COAS for elimination of terrorism in the country including province.
He said that the Army chief condoled with the bereaved families of the martyrs and inquired about health of injured of Mastung carnage during his visit.
He said that the Army Chief also expressed the resolve to take revenge of every martyr of Mastung carnage.
He on the occasion announced on behalf of the interim government the financial compensation of Rs. 1.5 for families of each martyr, Rs. 0.5 million for critical injured and Rs. 0.2 million for minor injured of the Mastung carnage. He said that the federal government would be approached for improving the economic compensation package for the martyrs and injured persons.
Jan Achakzai also said that the provincial government is active under leadership of Chief Minister, Mir Ali Mardan Domki and the province would be made hub of peace by taking stern action against those involved in terrorism or other law and order situation.
The Minister Information also paid homage to the martyrs of security forces and other law enforcement agencies on their sacrifices for the sake of country.

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