CCPO Lahore Bilial Siddique kamayana wished Eid Miladul Nabi( PBUH)

CCPO Lahore, Bilal Siddique Kamayana, while congratulating the nation on the auspicious occasion of Eid Milad-ul-Nabi,( PBUH) said in a statement that we should all follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to beautify living and the hereafter. CCPO Lahore said regarding the security in the entire city that all available resources will be utilized for the security of processions and gatherings of Milad-ul-Nabi. He directed the concerned SPs to make the best security arrangements in all the divisions. Bilal Siddique Kamayana clarified that CCTV cameras, metal detectors and walk-through gates must be used for the security of sensitive processions. He directed that the officials posted on Eid Milad-ul-Nabi security duty should be effectively briefed about the sensitivity of their duty. Search, sweep, combing and intelligence-based operations should be continued on a daily basis in the vicinity of Mosques, courts, markets and religious places. According to the details, 2630 Milad Mahfils and 250 small processions will be held across the city in connection with the celebration of Eid Milad-ul-Nabi. Among them, 7 SPs, 28 DSPs,

83 inspectors, 463 sub-inspectors while more than 8775 personnel will perform the duty.

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