Over Rs. 533 million recovered from power pilferers & defaulters as crackdown continues

Independent Report

QUETTA: Over 533 million rupees have so far been recovered from the electricity pilferers and defaulters during the crackdown launched by the Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO) in the province.
According to the spokesman of QESCO, Rs. 473 millions have been recovered from the defaulters of the electricity dues and Rs. 60 millions recovered from those involved in the pilferage of electricity in the province.
The amount was recovered on charges of the fine from the electricity thieves, the QESCO spokesman mentioned.
He informed that in all 4017 power connections were found involved in the pilferage of electricity in the province while 1180 applications have been submitted in different police stations in this regard.
Out of them, 339 FIRs have been chalked against the power pilferers in different thanas of the province, he mentioned adding that 124 persons were also arrested on the same charges.
All power thieves were charged fine of over Rs. 100 million on the charges of power pilfering, the spokesman maintained.
Moreover, 13 transformers running illegally and those of the defaulters were also removed in different areas of the province.
The QESCO spokesman asserted that the crackdown against the power pilferers and defaulters would remain continued in future as well.

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