Effective dengue control strategy to be developed: Nadeem Jan

ISLAMABAD, : Caretaker Federal Minister for Health Dr Nadeem Jan on Friday said that an effective and coordinated strategy is being formed by the federation and the provinces for the prevention of the dengue virus to keep people safe from the disease.


Chairing the Inter-Ministerial Health and Population Council meeting, he said that there was a need to develop integrated strategies for disease eradication in the context of lessons learned and experiences from COVID-19 in the country.


The Ministry of Health will ensure all possible support to control the infectious diseases in the country. Federal and provincial governments should re-organize a comprehensive program for the prevention of hepatitis, he said.


On Hepatitis-C control, Dr. Nadeem Jan emphasized a joint strategic response with provinces and to launch of the National Hepatitis Control Programme this year. Through this programme, diagnostic services and the availability of essential medicines to all Hepatitis-C patients will be ensured.


He said that the Global Health Security agenda was the top-most priority of the Government of Pakistan. In this regard, for the first time in history, the government will host a Global Health Security Summit in November this year, to which leaders, top experts, and stakeholders from across the world will be invited.


Dr Nadeem Jan, “This is a matter of honour for Pakistani people and institutions and the summit will help Pakistan to finalize its strategic roadmap to tackle health emergencies and epidemics effectively in the country.”


He said that the Drug License issuance and laboratories across the country are being upgraded. “We are creating a comprehensive system based on uniform guidelines for elimination and recovery of spurious medicines from the market.

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