Crucial CCC at GHQ & caretakers’ firm resolve to deal with terrorism & revival of economy

While the country is passing through a critical phase with the military command and interim government dealing with numerous issues right from terrorism in the country and from across the border, challenges to the national security to economic troubles including the challenge of economic revival, record inflation and other related problems, it is very encouraging and noteworthy that both (military command and caretakers) are committed to deal the issues with strong resolve.
It was particularly shown in the recent 259th Corps Commanders’ Conference (CCC) held at General Headquarters (GHQ) presided over by Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Syed Asim Munir, NI (M).
The forum resolved that all terrorists, their facilitators and abettors, working on the behest of hostile forces to destabilize Pakistan will be dealt with full might of the state.
What’s more important was also the CCC’s forum reiterated to continue full support of ongoing efforts in uplifting the socioeconomic growth under the umbrella of Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) and wholeheartedly assisting the government.
Moreover, the need for speedy development of economic potential of Newly Merged Districts (NMDs) and Border Districts of Balochistan for sustainable peace and growth was also emphasized.
The CCC’s forum paid rich tribute to the supreme sacrifices of Shuhadas including officers and men of the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement Agencies and Citizens who laid their lives for the safety, security and territorial integrity of the country. Fateha was offered for the martyrs and it was reiterated that the State of Pakistan and Armed Forces will continue to hold the Shuhadas and their families in highest esteem, ever honoring them with utmost respect and dignity.
In addition to this, Commemoration of Defence and Martyrs Day on 6 September across the country by all segments of the society was appreciated for which the Armed Forces of Pakistan remain ever thankful to our proud nation.
Participants reiterated Pakistan Army’s resolve to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Pakistan against all kinds of direct and indirect threats.
The forum re-affirmed that inimical propagandists’ desperate attempts to cause wedge between the state institutions and public are indicative of their mounting desperation and will only result into more humiliation of such elements, InshaAllah.
At the CCC, COAS stressed on maintaining high standards of professionalism and motivation during operations and achieving excellence during training of the formations. He commended the commanders for their constant focus on the wellbeing of their soldiers and maintenance of morale which constituted the foundation of Army’s operational readiness.
While on the other hand, it is also very encouraging that the caretaker government right under leadership of Prime Minister, Anwaarul Haq Kakar in the center and pf Chief Ministers in the provinces, are doing great job to better the things with every passing day.
One can describe the interim set up both at the federal and provincial levels as the best ever in the country’s interim governments’ history.
More importantly is that they not only are well aware of the issues being faced by the country and its masses, but they are also sincere and committed to resolve them.
As the interim government is making utmost efforts for economic revival of the country, the COAS has already pledged unwavering support of Pakistan Army in this regard.
Moreover, at another crucial meeting of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) held the other day with PM Kakar in the chair and attended by the Chief of Army Staff, Federal Cabinet, Provincial Chief Ministers and high-level government officials. Ministries unanimously decided to take all decisions in the larger interest of the Country and deal with the menace of smuggling, hoarding and market manipulations with iron hands through an elaborate enforcement mechanism.
One can hope that the comprehensive plans presented in the SIFC covering milestones, timelines and solutions to overcome major challenges would definitely work and the ministries would optimally utilize the short interim period for a positive contribution while also initiating medium and long-term policy interventions, for the caretaker PM has already directed.

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