All the Muslims of the world are shocked by the shameful act of desecration of the Holy Quran.

By M.Ilyas
Islamabad: Cultural Consulate of Islamic Republic of Iran Islamabad organized a conference in collaboration with Majlis Wahdat Muslimeen,Dr, Raza Amiri Moqadam, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, was the Chief guest of the conference, Speakers strongly condemned the government-sponsored desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden. At the beginning of the conference, Mr. Ehsan Khazaei, cultural consular embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, said that insulting the Holy Quran should stop now, it is possible only with the unity of Muslims.The guest Ayat Ullah Dr. Ahmed Madhakiri, a member of Majlis Khabargan Rahbri Iran, who came specially for this conference from Iran, also addressed. He thanked the Cultural Consulate Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran for organizing this grand Honor and Magnificence of the Quran Conference. Appreciated the protest against sacrilege and suggested that this subject should be taught exclusively in all universities under the title of philosophy of sanctification and that the Holy Quran is a Holy book of Muslims and therefore all Muslims should unite for sanctification of the Holy Quran. Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Raza Amiri Moqaddam, said in his speech that all the Muslims of the world are shocked by this shameful act and two billion Muslims of the world should not stay silent on insulting the Holy Quran. In the last six months, the holy book of Muslims Holy Quran has been desecrated six times in different western countries, so the scholars of all religions should stop this act of extremism.An exhibition of rare manuscripts of Quran Majeed was also organized.At the end of the conference, a resolution was passed condemning the series of insults to the Holy Quran.

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