Mirpur Mathelo

(Report Tanveer Ahmed Soomro)
Assistant Commissioner of Daharki Rida Zahra Talpur visited the road being constructed from Civil Hospital to Dadan Khan Mahar Chowk and reviewed the quality of work. According to the instructions of the concerned engineers to improve the development schemes, according to the details, on the instructions of the Deputy Commissioner Ghotki Muhammad Usman Abdullah, the Assistant Commissioner Rida Zahra Talpur along with the Mukhtiarkar (Revenue)Daharki Ashraf Ali Patafi and other officers, Dadan Khan Mahar from Civil Hospital. Reviewed the work of the new road being constructed up to the square. On this occasion, he directed the concerned engineers and said that the quality of work of the development schemes should be improved so that the people here are benefited and no compromise will be made in this regard. He further said that according to the instructions of the Deputy Commissioner, if poor material is used in the development schemes, a report will be made against the concerned engineers to the higher authorities.

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