Directives of caretaker Prime Minister: Work on rehabilitation of roads and bridges started on emergent basis, says Secretary C&W

Independent Report


QUETTA: The Secretary Communications and Works (C&W), Ali Akbar Baloch has stated that the work was started on rehabilitation of the highways and bridges affected due to the recent flood and rains in the province, on an emergent basis.

He was chairing a meeting to review the steps taken for safety of the basic infrastructure and communications in the province, here on Tuesday.

The meeting, actually was in backdrop of the directives of caretaker Prime Minister issued recently during the visit of the province.

The highways of National Highway Authority as well as the Special Secretary Irrigation Department, Nadeem Samalani and others were in attendance.

The meeting reviewed the matters about the channelization of the flood water, its effective use and protection of the roads and other infrastructure from the flashflood caused due to the heavy rains.

The meeting was also briefed in detail on the progress of work started for rehabilitation of the roads and bridges besides their existing condition.

Speaking on the occasion, the Secretary C&W said that the heavy damages were caused to all important highways and bridges due to the recent rains and flashfloods, disrupting the communication network and traffic blockade in different parts of the province and to rest of the country.

However, the C&W department together with NHA started work on the affected highways and bridges on emergent basis. However, still, there is a need of complete rehabilitation of the important highways in the province.

During the course of meeting, C&W department high ups provided details to the NHA about rehabilitation of the highways of the province.

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