98 percent target of anti-polio immunization campaign achieved in Balochistan

Independent Report

QUETTA: At least 98 percent target of polio immunization campaign was achieved in the Balochistan province.
According to the sources of Emergency Operation Center (EOC) for Polio Eradication Balochistan, 98 percent children below five years of age have been vaccinated during the vital campaign against crippling disease in the province.
However, it has been decided to continue the campaign in Mastung district for two more days i.e., Monday and Tuesday.
This means, the anti-polio campaign would also remain continued in Mastung on Tuesday (today) where it was affected somehow due to the carnage of 6th October.
It may be mentioned here that over 2.4 million children were due to be vaccinated against polio during the seven-day campaign.
For the purpose, around 11,000 polio teams had been constituted all over the province.

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