95 percent target of polio immunization campaign achieved in Balochistan

Independent Report

QUETTA: The anti-polio campaign came to an end in all districts of Balochistan province on Sunday.
According to the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) for polio eradication Balochistan, the campaign lasted for seven days all over the province.
The EOC sources said that almost 95 percent target of the polio immunization was achieved in the province till sixth day i.e., Saturday.
While the campaign also remained continued on Sunday, it is likely to achieve more about the immunization campaign.
It may be mentioned here that the anti-polio campaign was launched on Monday last in all 36 districts of the province.
It was targeted to vaccinate approximately 2.6 million children during the campaign.
For immunization of the children against polio, around 11,000 polio teams were formed.
Worth mentioning was that the campaign remained continued despite harsh weather conditions including during and after snowfall in different areas of the province.

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