85 pc target of polio immunization campaign achieved in Balochistan

Independent Report

QUETTA: At least 85 percent target of the polio immunization campaign has been achieved while it is still continued in the Balochistan province.
According to the sources of Emergency Operation Center (EOC) for Polio Eradication, the anti-polio campaign entered fourth day on Thursday all over the province.
The EOC sources said that the campaign is running successfully in all 36 districts of the province.
It may be mentioned here that it was targeted to immunize approximately 2.6 million children below five years of age during the campaign.
For the purpose, around 11,000 teams have been constituted all over the province, the sources informed.
Needless to mention here is that no fresh case of polio has been reported in the province since January 2021.
The last case of polio had been reported from Killa Abdullah district of Balochistan since then.

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