The sixth annual Ombuds Day 2023 will be celebrated all over the world, including Pakistan, today, Oct 12 (Thursday).
The primary objective of observing this day is to raise awareness among the public about the institutional mechanisms designed to safeguard their rights, ensuring that no government official or department neglects their responsibility to uphold the legal rights of citizens.
In a statement issued on Wednesday, the spokesman of the Office of the Ombudsman Punjab reported that the ombudsman office plays an important role in ensuring good governance through the eradication of corrupt practices and maladministration. The government officials have been sensitized that they are accountable to the people and no dereliction would be tolerated in this regard. The spokesman asserted that this has resulted in reinforcing public trust in government institutions.
Highlighting the significance of the Office of the Ombudsman Punjab, the spokesman emphasized its pivotal role in protecting public rights by providing free and prompt relief. Notably, the provincial ombudsman office has successfully addressed 351,421 public complaints from the year 2000 to 2023.
The spokesman informed that plaintiffs from Pakistan and abroad can submit their complaints to the relevant regional offices through the official website   or the bilingual mobile app OPMIS. A designated focal person is also available to handle complaints from overseas Pakistanis, who can also submit their concerns via post or in person.
Simultaneously, the dedicated helpline 1050 of the ombudsman office was actively operating to guide and assist individuals in need. Furthermore, a working group, established through the Chief Provincial Commissioner for Children, focuses on safeguarding the rights of vulnerable children and protecting them from harassment or exploitation.
Instead of remaining silent on the violation of their rights, the people should contact the relevant regional ombudsman office to protect their legal rights, concluded the spokesman.

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