6 divisional HQs approved costing Rs. 2141 mln: 1033 new vacancies created for coastal highway security at cost of Rs. 2234 million


6 divisional HQs approved costing Rs. 2141 mln:
1033 new vacancies created
for coastal highway security
at cost of Rs. 2234 million

Budget white paper reveals Levies recruitment completed in 17
districts with 2040 recruited; process underway in 23 districts

Independent Report

QUETTA: In all 1033 new vacancies were created for security of the coastal highway at a cost of Rs. 2234 million.
The security of highways has been enhanced and movement of buses in the convoys through some parts of Balochistan being carried out for the safe journey.
Similarly, proper security arrangements have also been made for the safe passage of zaireen from Quetta to Taftan and back.
These details were shared in the budget speech and white paper issued on the occasion of next financial year budget of the province here on Monday.
According to the data shared, the provincial, divisional and district level Apex committees have been constituted to streamline the intelligence mechanism in the province.
Other initiatives as mentioned in the white paper were included: establishment of Eagle Squad, establishment of Counter Terrorism Command (CTC), revamping of CTD, establishment of seven new CTD, etc.
In addition to this, six CTD divisional headquarters were approved at a cost of Rs. 2,141 million.
Out of 2300 counter terrorism force (CTF) sanctioned strength, recruitment against 1416 completed including 1302 corporals.
Other initiatives are included: construction of regional CTD headquarters in process; revamping of special branch under process, raising of ATF (police / Levies), updating red books and persons on 4th schedule, capacity building of police and levies through training by ATF school and Army besides quick response – 5 QRF, Falcon motorcycle squads and 15 emergency centers and establishment of D3C centers at central police office, Quetta and rest of the province.
Similarly, in 17 districts, levies recruitment has been completed (2040) recruited, however, in 23 districts the recruitment process is underway and interviews are being carried out.
In Levies, a specialized cadre was established with better prospect of command structure besides raising of counter terrorism wing in Levies and establishment of newly intelligence wing, investigation wing and communication and IT wing in Levies.

Daily Independent

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