4th All Pakistan Special Sports Festival 2024 Kicks Off in Skardu with a Grand Opening Ceremony

Skardu: The 4th All Pakistan Special Sports Festival 2024 has commenced with a grand opening ceremony at the Municipal Stadium in Skardu. The event is being organized by the Karakoram Disability Forum and the District Administration Skardu, and will conclude on June 26. Athletes with various abilities from all four provinces of Pakistan are participating in the three-day event.

Former Chief Justice of Pakistan, Khalil-ur-Rehman Ramday, graced the opening ceremony with his presence. Addressing the gathering, he emphasized the importance of living a purposeful life despite challenges, stating that no individual is disabled, but rather, people with different abilities are an asset to our nation.

The Adviser to the Chief Minister of Gilgit-Baltistan for Youth Affairs and Commerce, Zubairullah, also attended the ceremony and appreciated the efforts of the District Administration Skardu for organizing the event for special individuals.

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