288 more connections suspended as QESCO campaign continues against pilferers & defaulters

Independent Report

QUETTA: As many as 288 more electricity connections of the defaulters and pilferers were suspended as the extensive campaign against the defaulters and pilferers is continued across the Balochistan province.
According to the spokesman of Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO), the crackdown is continued against the defaulters of electricity utility bills and those involved in the pilferage of electricity.
He informed that in all 1328 applications have been submitted for registration of legal action against the power pilferers in Quetta and different other areas of the province. however, 384 FIRs have been registered so far in this regard, the QESCO spokesman added.
Moreover, over Rs. 806 million have been recovered from some 35,000 defaulters in the province. in addition to this, over Rs. 120 million have been recovered from the pilferers on the charges of pilferage of pilferage.
The QESCO spokesman told that the campaign against defaulters and pilferers would remain continued in future as well.

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