278 electricity connections suspended; 7 transformers removed as QESCO drive continues

Independent Report

QUETTA: At least 278 electricity connections were disconnected and seven transformers were removed on non-payment of the utility bills and arrears as the campaign against defaulters and pilferers remained continued in the province on Monday.
According to the spokesman of QESCO, the power connections of the defaulters were removed in different areas of the province.
While on the other hand, seven transformers were removed in Loralai, Pishin and Khaliqabad areas of the province.
In all, 53 more shunt and tempered meters were also removed in the Quetta city.
The QESCO spokesman said that in all 1369 applications have been submitted for legal action against the power pilferers in different police and levies stations.
However, 386 FIRs were registered against the power pilferers in all areas of the province under supervision of the company.
A sum of Rs. 180 .72 million were recovered on account of detection and fine.
Similarly, Rs. 1.2 billion were also recovered from 56,546 defaulters so far.
The campaign against the power pilferers and defaulters would remain continued in the province in future as well, the spokesman maintained.

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