2,398 Afghan refugees return home on Saturday

ISLAMABAD, :At least 2,398 illegal Afghans have returned to their home country, including 691 men, 558 women, and 1,149 children, PTV news reported on Saturday.
The repatriation of illegal Afghans continues even after the deadline for illegal aliens has passed. The safe evacuation of illegally residing Afghans and their dignified repatriation is the top priority of the government of Pakistan.
Every day, thousands of unregistered Afghan citizens are returning to their homeland through Torkham and Chaman border on a daily basis. A large number of Afghans are present at Torkham and Chaman border who are happily returning to their country.
Transit camps for illegal aliens have been set up in various districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan with all day-to-day facilities.
The government of Pakistan is committed to providing all possible assistance to the returning Afghan citizens.


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