14 Crore Rupees Siphoned from Government Treasury in CTD Police Building Scandal.

By M.Ilyas

PESHAWAR- In a shocking revelation, a staggering sum of 14 crore rupees has been uncovered, purportedly siphoned from the government treasury, under the pretext of rejuvenating the Counter-Terrorism Police building in the heart of police line peshawar. Adding to the gravity of this fiscal malfeasance, bills totaling a colossal 6 crore rupees were processed and dubiously approved for the acquisition of 130 mobile phones, ostensibly intended for low-ranking employees. Sources emanating from the shadowed corridors of the Central Police Office in Peshawar, veiled in anonymity, have disclosed a trail of alleged misappropriations. It is alleged that the former DIG of the Counter-Terrorism Police, Javed Iqbal, previously undertook a renovation project for the CTD building, commanding a princely expenditure of one crore rupees, before his transfer. Astonishingly, his successor, Shaukat Abbas, then assumed the role of Additional Inspector General, setting in motion yet another renovation effort. This renovation reportedly incurred a cost of approximately 3 crores, yet astonishingly, an astronomical bill of 14 crore rupees was sanctioned and drawn from the government coffers. What adds a layer of audacity to this financial extravagance is the revelation that this extensive renovation project allegedly utilized Diyar wood, which is publicly obtainable at a nominal cost of 5 thousand rupees per foot, hailing from the hills of Malakand. However, a web of illicit collaboration is said to have falsely inflated the billing for this wood to a staggering 14 thousand rupees per foot. The result? A colossal blow to the beleaguered public treasury, echoing with the cries of fiscal impropriety. Disturbingly, sources suggest that the surreptitious transportation of the aforementioned wood transpired in the very official vehicles designated for the Counter-Terrorism Police, despite vehement objections lodged by the forest department. This clandestine endeavor further fuels the allegations of wrongdoing in this extravagant episode. In a twist that only deepens the plot, it has come to light that the actual value of the mobile phones procured for junior police officers hardly surpassed one and a half crore rupees. Yet, an exorbitant sum of six and a half crores was unceremoniously extracted from the government treasury, casting a long shadow of financial misconduct. Adding yet another layer of intrigue, sources have intimated that the provision of pure milk for the CTD official canteen, sourced daily from the distant region of Sahiwal, bears a connection to a senior police officer’s private stable of buffaloes. The tendrils of this scandal continue to entwine, leaving the public to ponder the depths of the fiscal abyss that has been unveiled in the heart of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

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